Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, What Course Assessment Tells Us All, 8th Annual (Online) Conference on Teaching and Learning Assessment, Drexel University

This presentation will provide a Cycle of Course Assessments that develop effective teaching and creates significant student learning. Participants will analyze ways they reflect on their current practice, improve courses to provide a deeper measurement of student learning and increase their teaching ability to meet student needs. With greater levels of accountability for learning during…


Forward-Looking Teaching Design: The future is more of a mirror than a crystal ball, QM (Quality Matters) ConnectLX Virtual Conference

QM CONNECTLX Online Conference

Faculty and instructional designers realize the importance of delivering courses with a clear focus. However, many faculty have had little formal education in designing courses to deliver significant learning. In a time where the need for student success and retention through course and program completion is greater than ever, we examine how course design flexibility…

Pre-conference Session: Forward-looking Teaching Design: The future is more of a mirror than a crystal ball, Quality Matters (QM) ConnectLX Online Conference

Faculty and instructional designers realize the importance of delivering courses with a clear focus. However, many faculty have had little formal education in designing courses to deliver significant learning. In a time where the need for student success and retention through course and program completion is greater than ever, we examine how course design achieves…

Assessing the Quality of Your Course, Quality Matters (QM) ConnectLX Online Conference

QM CONNECTLX Online Conference

This short session will help equip you with the creative approaches, fresh perspectives, and practical tools you need to take any course from bad to good, or from good to great. During the life of a course, you will continue to make changes to the design and will need to assess the quality of the…