Linda Russell
Linda Russell honed her teaching skills as a developmental educator, having taught high school, junior high school and college reading and English classes. This experience provides a unique perspective as to how students transition through K-12 to higher education. She also co-coordinated the Learning Center at her community college for sixteen years. Over the years of working closely with non-traditional learners and underprepared learners, she has gained considerable knowledge about best practices for working with at-risk students. Since many of those students do, eventually, matriculate into the regular college curriculum, it is imperative that all faculty become skilled at working to improve the success of all types of students.
Linda served as the Center for Teaching and Learning campus leader conducting many in-class assessments, consultations, and presentations on various topics related to effective learning and teaching. She also created workshops to develop new faculty portfolios as a part of campus faculty performance evaluation. Linda helped faculty design course assessments that led to improved teaching and learning experiences. As a faculty member, she participated in several department related assessments, which led to curriculum changes and improvements over the years. Linda Russell has shared her expertise during highly-rated presentations at international conferences on teaching and learning.
- Instructor of reading/study skills.
- Coordinator of Minneapolis Community and Technical College Learning Center.
- Leader of MCTC Center for Teaching and Learning.
- Executive Board Member, College Reading and Learning Association.
- Executive Board Member and Past President of Minnesota Association for Developmental Education.
- Presenter at national conferences on tutor training, best practices in teaching reading, mathematics and reading, active learning.
- Presenter at state and local colleges at faculty development conferences and events.
- Recipient of Minnesota State Board of Trustees Outstanding Educator Award.
- Recipient of College Reading and Learning Association Distinguished Teaching Award.
- Recipient of Minnesota Association for Developmental Education Service Award.
- Contributor to two developmental mathematics textbooks.