The following links take you to a variety of readings and resources, many provided by the authors of the book: Designing Effective Teaching and Significant Learning.


Online course design Institute Instructor Resources

For our colleagues enrolled in the Institute we offer a page filled documents and links listed as Instructor Resources in the course.


Authored Articles

Authors of the book share articles for additional learning and professional development. Ponder these ideas as you enjoy these ways to get you thinking about your work.


Forms and Templates from Designing Effective Teaching and Significant Learning (Coming Soon)


Leadership Strategies: Guiding Your Work with Others 

No matter which position you hold in an organization, you need to lead. Each person plays a significant role and is a valued resource. Having a tool kit of skills is necessary to succeed in your work. Consider the ideas and tips presented here as you build your own leadership strategy tool kit.


Teaching And Learning ExperienceS (TALES)

Stories are a wonderful way to learn and share information that learners remember. In our years of working with faculty we have many stories to share about how faculty have used a variety of strategies to improve their teaching and student learning. We hope you enjoy these TALES of teaching by authors of the book Designing Effective Teaching and Significant Learning and the faculty they have worked with in faculty development opportunities. Enjoy the TALES!


Teaching Tips: Bright Ideas for Working with Students 

Great artists use a variety of tools and techniques to convey their talent. There is both an art and science to great teaching which provides significant learning. The ideas we present are tried and true tips which improved retention and course quality. They saved us time so we spent more time working directly with students. Most importantly, they helped learners learn significantly!